sâmbătă, 18 septembrie 2010

Walking in Maramures - Creasta Cocosului

The next day we climbed Gutai mountain otherwise known as “Creasta Cocosului” (The Rooster’s Crest). Ok, so, I have to be honest and say I didn’t climb to the absolute top of the rock. Being pregnant I thought it would be too much effort for me and I waited at the bottom. However, I taught Simon to say: “Imi faceti o poza, va rog” (Can I have a picture please!) to make sure he had a photo of himself on the top!
Anyway, climbing to the top is not as challenging as getting back home again. It is a long way just to Breb and for a couple of hours you can not even see the village. The blueberry season was almost gone (I found only a handful), the blackberries were all done and the hazelnuts trees were everywhere, but empty. I found 5 hazelnuts though which we very much enjoyed! This year was not a good season for hazelnuts again!
After 3 hours walking downhill towards Breb, we decided to be brave again and try a shortcut across to to our village, Hoteni. So, heading for the church spire we crossed over the fields and started our adventure. At the bottom of the valley I thought that there was a stream, but it turned out to be a river. Luckily, the stones in the river served us as bridge.
Again, the last hill before the village seemed the hardest and longest walk. Crossing un-mowed meadows, which were very difficult to walk through, we finally reached the mud road leadinging into the village.

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